
beeldmateriaal uit de film

School of Rock, The (2003)

Dewey Finn waking up

Dewey Finn waking up

Dewey Finn arguing with his band members

Dewey Finn arguing with his band members

Rosalie Mullins on the phone with Dewey

Rosalie Mullins on the phone with Dewey

Mr. S in front of his class

Mr. S in front of his class

The school children

The school children

Ned Schneebly and his girlfriend Patty Di Marco

Ned Schneebly and his girlfriend Patty Di Marco

Dewey Finn rockin´

Dewey Finn rockin´

Having lunch with the staff

Having lunch with the staff

Rosalie having a beer with Mr. S.

Rosalie having a beer with Mr. S.

<i>School of Rock</i> performing

School of Rock performing

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